Hello everyone, in this blog I'm going to talk about how relevant music is for moods.

I think everyone has ever felt the magic of music in the most precise moments, whether in good or bad terms, I mean, like when you are sad and you listen to a song that contains exactly what you feel and want to hear, equally in the opposite situation, like when the sun shines and one feels happiness, the music feels twice as better.

 Although I have to confess something, when it comes to slow, sad or romantic music, in many situations it makes me feel happy, a melancholic song, on the sunniest day, makes me feel happy, but I think it is for the mere fact of the relationship with "love" that I give is what I like.

As for the musical genres, I really like pop, pop rock, romantic, and preferably that they are as sentimental, pure and beautiful as possible hahaha, I admit, I love the idea of feelings a lot and I feel that music is precisely a complement to that. However, it should be noted that not all songs talk about feelings, others talk about history, power, things related to sex, but hey, in the end they are made for users, there is something different for each type of people, that gives a versatile troke to everything, as the music adapts to whoever hear it.


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